Quran Clinic
(Open to Male Learners Only)

Course Level
Basic Level 1
Tilawati Book 1
Learning Objective
- Learn proper technique on how to pronounce the vowels (fathah, dhommah and kasrah)
- Recognise the positions of the hijaiyah letters (start, middle and end)
- Learn Tanween-double vowelled ending pronounciation
- Learn hijaiyah letters when sukoon pronounciation
- Learn about Mad Asliyy-vowel lengtening
- Learn how to pronounce hijaiyah letters when shaddah
- Differentiate between hijaiyah letters that are closely similar in pronuonciation
Basic Level 2
Tilawati Book 2
Learning Objective
- Emphasise on the nun and mim shaddah
- Learn about the ruling of qolqolah sughra
- Learn about the ruling when Mad Asliyy meets with hamzah wasol
- Learn different rulings of nuun sukun/tanwin and mim sukun
- Learn the ruling of the letter lam on the kalimah lafzul jalalah
- Learn different mudud (example Mad Silah, Mad Muttasil and etc.)
- Learn the different ‘Stop Signs’
- Learn to stop for different situations
- Learn the ‘Gharib’ recitations
- Learn the rulings of the letter Ra (Tafkhim and Tarqiq)
- Recite fluently with one breath
- Learn sujud tilawah
Intermediate Level 1
Juz 30
$10 / Sessions
Learning Objective
- Proper pronounciation of the proper makharijul huruf and sifat
- To achieve fluency of the recitation
- Recite Quran juz 30
- Kitab Tuhfatul Atfal
Intermediate Level 2
Juz 1 - 30
$15 / Session
Learning Objective
- Complete the recitation of Al-Quran (30 Juz) with guidance of a teacher. Riwayat Hafs ‘An ‘Asim
- Kitab Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah
Who is this for?
The Quran Clinic is currently open for the males only.
Is there any flexible timing?
Yes, we do cater flexible timing especially for those working shifts. Please email us at admin@masjidkhalid.org for the time slot.
How long is the duration?
Each time slot has a 30 minutes duration.