Mosque Management

Hj Alla’udin Bin Mohamed

Chairman of Masjid Khalid

Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh In the early 1900s, this land was a pit stop for many kandar peddlers. They eventually convinced Haji Abdul Khalid bin Haji Mohamed Tyeb, a businessman and philanthropist, to use the land to set up a mosque. In 1917, the land was officially wakaf and Masjid Khalid was established. It has seen and survived 2 wars. During World War 2, a bomb had actually landed on Carpmael Road, just 200 metres from the mosque. And yet, Masjid Khalid is still standing strong today. After the second World War, Masjid Khalid was managed by MFTA (Muslimin Trust Fund Association) and then later by MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura). It has grown from strength to strength with the support and guidance of MUIS. I am humbled to be the current Chairman that gets to host the 100th anniversary celebrations. The past leaders and Imams have planted the seeds and I am a beneficiary of their hard work. Masjid Khalid continues to prove its role in nation building. It constantly reaches out to people from all walks of life through outreach activities and collaborations with other religious and non-profit organisations, churches, temples and schools. Its numerous partnerships in the community include working with the Heart of God Church, Geylang Temple, and many other clan associations in Geylang. The mosque has also fostered a strong bond with its residents and neighbours, many of whom are non-Muslims, through inviting them to its functions. Masjid Khalid also takes it a step further to promote racial and religious harmony. During the Chinese New Year, the mosque committee would visit shops and houses around the mosque with gifts and oranges. This tradition has been continued for the last two decades. The bonds that we have built for the past 50 to 100 years are bonds that we will always cherish. It will serve as a platform for a stronger bond in the future. In the coming years, I look forward to more active outreach programmes by the mosque involving all communities through collaborations with projects that go beyond the minarets. I would like to thank all the board members, staff, volunteers, well-wishes and partners for their timeless work and contributions to make what Masjid Khalid is today. It has been an absolute honour working alongside all of you and I pray that Allah be pleased with our efforts and continue to bless Masjid Khalid and everyone who comes here.

Mosque Management Board

List of Masjid Khalid Management Board for the term 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2025:

Chairman Alla’udin Bin Mohamed

Vice-Chairman Mohamed Ariffin Bin Mohamed Kawaja Kamaludin

Secretary Tajal Ariffin Bin Abdul Hamid

Assistant Secretary Shaik Ahmad Bin Syed Buhari

Treasurer Shaik Ismail Bin Shaik Kader

Assistant Treasurer Ahmad Zaki Bin Zulkifli


Muhammad Farhan Bin Mohamad Shah

Ismail Bin Minhat

Fuad Bin Abdul Hamid Basarahil

Muhammad Aslam Bin Abdul Halim

Abdul Latiff Bin Shaik Mohamed

Husain Bin Abdul Rahim

Khamarudin Bin Mohammad Salleh

Muhammad Fauzi Bin Azman

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